Thursday, July 23, 2009


our tepee

Happy (late) 4th of July! for 4th of July this year,my family and
the dog, went to KAH-NEE-TA.the Indian reserve in the desert of Oregon.
The first day we arrived at 3,moved our stuff into our tepee,
Then went swimming. 4th of July day started out with chocolate
doughnuts (always a good thing.) and coco crisp sugar cereal.(a pretty
good thing if I may say so my self...)after our highly Delicious and not so
healthy breakfast,we went swimming in their huge hot spring heated
pool. mom and dad bought us water slide passes,a blow-up lobster,and
a pair of goggles.Actually only me and avonlea went swimming while
dad and the boys went mini golfing ( with Lucy) Lucy was REALLY
Popular. TONs of people would come up to her and be like,"She's SO cute!"
and," this must be Lucy." "I have heard about her!" we were like" weird!"
Anyways,after about 3 hours of swimming,we ate lunch.-which was whatever
we could find-After lunch i hurried to enter the belly flopping contest that was
going on at the pool-last year i almost won-but this year i wasn't even close.......
The slides at KAH-NEE-TA were not as good as the slides at "Great Wolf Lodge"
but they were ok.A big + to the water there.The water comes from hot springs
and the water is VERY warm..... In the afternoon we went down to the lodge
to do Indian crafts I made a leather key chain beaded key chain. on our way out
we got candy. Yummy! After we got back,we just hung around,and i painted my nails
red,white,and blue.After my nails dried i went swimming. Later we went back to
the tepee to get ready for 4th of July night....................................................................
This years 4th of July consisted of absolutely NO fire works:( , smores :),white cake
orange peel things from girls camp.,a game that never got set up :( , red white and blue
blinking bracelets,candy,staying up late reading,and NO fireworks..................................
And So that concludes my,"wonderful,fantastic"-i'm being sarcastic-boring! 4th of July
and my Trip to KAH-NEE-TA. go to:

BTW:This post was supposed to make an American flag....It
didn't turn out to well...... :)

a swimming pool
a swimming pool
my feet

the wolf on our tepee

Dad and Aidan
Wild horses
eating watermelon.............
the official sign.

Two little kids dancing.sorry its short.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Girls camp.........

Girls Camp was,SO Fun!!!!!!!!!!! here is what i wrote in my journal about my time there:<3>"Girls Camp! Girls camp was the best ever!At first i didn't want to go because I found out my cabin arrangements and, didn't like them. But in the end I went and found out that the information i had been given was TOTALLY Wrong! I am SO Happy that I went. I had A BLAST! The theme this year was:A Hero within. And tall the cabins were heros:Power puff girls,Power rangers,Buzz Light year,The Incredibles,Batman,Hulk,Spider man,Captain America,Wonder woman,and, last but not least,my cabin ,Indiana Jones!

My favorite part of camp was campfire. (weird fact: @ campfire there is no campfire......) Campfire was my favorite because:
1-All of the singing
2-how fun / SUPER funny it was ......
and 3-because we got to sit down! LOL!

Another thing I Loved about girls camp was, the crafts! Arts and crafts was probably my favorite thing besides:campfire and being with my friends.One of my YW leaders , Sister Lingman (my favorite) was a Arts and crafts leader person......At arts and crafts I made:
A journal

2-A neaklace

3-A wooden sign that says DREAM

4-And Lots more!!!

I liked swimming but the water was Freezing! I got my duckie award same as last year .....

DESTINY: I liked destiny.Hannah an Carley's mom:sister smith: was a teacher.

Archery was REALLY SUPER hard. It wasn't my favorite thing at camp that's for sure!

canoeing was pretty fun....but kind of gross because the pond was infested with newts!

Also FYI: I LOVED the camp breakfasts! YUMMY!!!! (i won't bore you with the details... lol)

I liked sleeping in a cabin with all my friends and staying up late talking , playing Emma P's favorite game....telephone!,and listening for sleep talkers(there were a few) The first night Emma stayed up almost the whole night because she was afraid of Rats!

On the last night of camp, I went out with the Batman cabin ( Hannah S and Hana D were in that cabin) to go Stargazing . It was really fun.

But do you know what was Really the best part of camp?! :meeting Three Wonderful new friends: Emma Poulson,Andie Giles , and , Sydney Finch. (all were in my cabin.)

All in all camp was Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to go Every year until i go to college then come back as a leader!!!!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


I LOVE SUnshine!!!!!! yesterday I played in the water and tanned the whole day!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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