Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fashion Love



H&M campeign add!  Jeanne Crain! she is so beautiful!




Thank you:  and and google


      I can not believe that it is December already! It's seems to soon, but I'm not complaining. I adore December. Here are some of my favorite things/moments from December 2012 so far:

1. Christmas music ( I listen to it all the time. Like right now for instance )
2. Buying Gifts for people ( I love the feeling of getting the perfect gift for someone and watching their face light up. I also love receiving as well *< :))))))) - Santa Claus smiley face hehehe )
3.  Decorating
4. Baking cookies
5.  watching cheesy holiday movies
6. The anticipation of Christmas! :)

Fate hate: what does it have against me?

  Fate hates me. I'm certain of it. Everything bad/awkward happens to me. I guess I'm the lucky one. For example, yesterday was thanksgiving. I already don't really like this holiday, because I don't eat meat and it just makes me feel fat. Nut this thanksgiving was by far the worst EVER. My family had dinner at the Carter's and you know, that was fine. But then at the end of the night, I sat in some jello and it stained my pants. On our way home, we picked up erynn to go Black Friday shopping with the lavamei's. at home, dad told everyone to take something in. I asked him to get the turkey, and he asked me. And neither of us realized it. So I took in the yams and the turkey, which I had been holding into previously, fell over. It crashed into the van floor, turkey intestines flying and grease splattering and pooling on the carpet. It was disgusting. And guess who had to clean it up? Yep. Yours truly. It was seriously the most disgusting thing that I have ever done. I don't do so well with barf, blood, or and bodily fluid for that matter. I am so thankful that erynn was there to help.
Eita called about black friday shopping just as we were finishing up. Instead of coming at a quarter to eleven, she was going to pick us up right then. That would have been fine, except  for the fact that I still had chores to do. So then eita and her cousin came over and mom yelled at them and erynn and sent everyone home. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. 


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