Sunday, November 10, 2013

Halloween 2013

     I can't even believe that October is over, but it sure was a good one! I dressed up as a pinata for a friends party, It took all evening, even with mom and dad helping (thank you!), and I was late to the party but it was sooo worth it. I love the costume and so did everyone else. Halloween itself was awesome. For the first time in years, I wasn't grounded! So I had Lucas, Kyle and Shannon over to watch Insidious, which wasn't even that scary, and hang out. We ended up going to a free haunted house down the street, and it was SO SCARY!!! It was great. I love my friends so so so much! I hope that y'all had a fantastic Halloween as well!  

Friday, October 04, 2013

Panic attack in 5,4,3,2,1....

I am so incredibly stressed right now. Why, you ask?
1. Homecoming is tomorrow and I don't have a dress. Yeah, it's bad. 
2. I have two GIANT papers due next week and I haven't even started in on them. Like at all. 
3. I have a bunch of pictures to take for photography, which would be great, I love taking pictures, but I literally have NO time. 
4. I'm babysitting four very crazy, weird and all over out of control children right now. Not a few minutes ago they were all jumping the entirety of their stairwell (10 steps) and landing on a beanbag at the bottom. All of them. In their underwear. i was scared for there life's. but now they are distracted, as someone just farted, initiating 10,000,000 fart and such jokes from the little boys. *sigh* they are beyond Wilde. :) 
5. For some reason I've been having "visions" of grownup self, and in all of them I'm single. It's really sad and it makes me kind of afraid. I know that i will fall hard for a lot of guys but... What if I never find someone who loves me??!! 

Hahaha I just stressed myself out so much more by writing this. Wish me luck. On life:) because according to Gannon, I am failing at life. He got a good slap (in the arm) for that one. 
     Speaking of Gannon, the obnoxious one turned EIGHTEEN today!! Happy birthday buddy! Annnnddd... More importantly(jk), it's national (though I don't know if it's national any more now that the government has shut down) anyway, it's not really national I guess, TACO DAY! Too bad no one bought me Taco Bell:(

Speaking of tacos, whose meat is brown, I made a new friend today!! She's black. (My fifth black friend) and hilarious. Plus she's from Georgia so she has the accent and everything. I invited her to homecoming cause she doesn't have any friends yet, but she gave me a wrong number instead of her correct cell phone number so I can't contact her, and so I feel really bad and I don't know what to do. I'll track her down somehow:)

Well that's all I've got. Have a great day! And remember, always be nicer than necessary. 

Forever, sierra dawn

P.s. I learned how to use coins in a vending machine today! Thank you Eita! 

P.p.s. it getting really late and I just want to sleep. That's what I do when I don't want to do homework:) but it's not usually good to fall asleep while babysitting... trust me. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2013



I survived my first day of high school! It was soooo much better then I thought it was going to be. It was almost fantastic. :) All of my teachers are really nice and the guy teachers are funny. im dreading AP lang though. the teacher is uber strict. but really, it just felt like a big mosh pit of niceness... If that makes any sense at all. 
But the hallways were like finding Nemo, with all these swarms of fish. And I'm Nemo. All the fish were friendly however, so it was all good. Maybe everyone was in a good mood because today was the first day. And maybe I'll go to school tomorrow only to be confronted with a whole different bunch of kids. But for now, today, it was a simply wonderful first day of high school. My life may have dramatically changed, but I think that it is for the better. 

   First day of school pictures with Erynn. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Kill me now.

Ever since I can remember, I have despised change. If we went to Wendy's instead of McDonald's for example, I would throw a fit. If I had planned on wearing my strawberry shortcake jeans that day, only to find them missing, a fit would surely follow. In fact, anytime someone changed the plan or a big life changing event occurred, I would fret about it and then came trouble. 
Not much has changed since my younger days. Change still stresses me out (I can thank my nana for that). I just can't handle it. But now that I'm older, I must. It's not going to be fun, or easy for that matter, but perhaps it will be worth it. Tomorrow my life is going to change forever. Please, I beg of you, kill me now.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fear is stupid.

    Butterflies consume my stomach as I lay in bed. Just breath. Don't even think about it. But I can't stop. It soon begins. FIVE days. Five short days then, school. New school. Public school. High school. Ahhhhhhh! I can't do this! But I will. Because I am... tough? Nah. To prove them all wrong? Yeahhhh... Kind of. I just need to do this, for me. You know, i used to think that high school would be like "High School Musical." I was really excited until my dreams were shattered and i found out the truth. High school is hard, cold and ruthless. (At least in the princess diaries) Perhaps Aloha will be different. I can only hope and pray. Public high school, make me a fighter, stronger. Make me smarter. Make me feel loved, make me all better. 

^^my new backpack. I love it. It's purpose however, not so much...^^

    ^^thanks Marilyn. I'll remember that. I'll try and be brave.^^

   Do you have any advice for me?
What should I know about public school? 


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The lazy days

Are all I've had this summer. Now you might be thinking, "lazy is good... that's what you're supposed to do with these long summer days, right?" But that is precisely what I did not want to do. I wanted this to be a season that mattered. In which I accomplished great things and made an impact on my own life and possibly even the lives of others. But alas, school starts in one week. And it was not meant to be. The lazy days were fun, just not productive, in any way. Take a look at some of my favorite lazy days of summer:

^^ staying out waayyy too late and then sleeping 
in like nobodies business^^

^^staring at pictures of this guy, just basking in his hotness.^^

^^wasting countless hours on pintrest, smiling to myself :)^^
(my wedding board is going on 7,000 followers. a fact which amazes me every single day.)

^^having a blast and meeting this famous basketball player at a Nike party^^

^^consuming ice cream and otter pops all da time^^
(me and Bre hold personal records of 50 otter pops in one sitting. and not the small type either.)

^^going to the zoo with friends- 
"we dont even have to try... its always a good time!"^^

^^hosting an ultimate summer party and eating lots of otter pops!^^
(there were lots of guys in attendance as well they just happen to not be in the picture...besides Aidan, but he doesn't really count. And no- he's not gay hahaha. probably.) 

^^a late night swim party with Eita, Avonlea and Katie. soooo much fun.^^ 

^^going to Shari's every monday after zumba.^^ 
(Gigi and I with our twinners breakfast) 

^^playing with Savannah just because she is the cutest baby in the world.^^

^^spending time with the fabulous Eita^^
(she turned sixteen this summer guys!)

^^ editing my pictures for no reason other than the fact that its fun:)^^

what are your thoughts on being productive in the summer?
Do you have a favorite lazy day activity? 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A little something I call time

 Time. Is flying! I turned sixteen in May, but It seems like yesterday. Now summer 2013 is more than halfway over, and I haven't really done anything. Sure, some exciting stuff has happened. But nothing monumental. Someday though, that's going to change. But for now, life is mundane. Here a the few highlights from my summer so far:

I have a new baby sister! 
(As of Thursday, May 30, 2013)
Savannah Skye Allred.
 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 21 1/4 inches long 

The InMotion Dance Showcase was on June 14th and
 went off without a hitch (thank goodness) 

I ran the Color Me Rad 5K with Laura and Cassidy
It was incredibly fun and I would recommend this race
 to anyone and everyone! 

My first year being a YCL at girls camp was amazing.
The Camp theme was, "Oh, the places you'll go" (Dr. Seuss) and
Erynn, Eita and I were all in the Grinch Cabin as first year YCL's. 
 I loved all of my girls and I can't wait for next year!

High Adventure 2013 
(one heart, one mind, can you imagine?)
We went hiking and swimming in a gorgeous lake and
then spent an entire day rock climbing. 
It was, without a doubt, challenging. But it was an
absolutely amazing experience and I loved it. 

I spent the last week up in Seattle with this girl!
I had a ball. But it was kind of a lazy week. 

forever and always, 

Sierra Dawn

some favorites

Ice skating. Italian Sodas. The mall. Laughter. 

Those are some of my favorite things. 

And these are some of my favorite people. 

The gorgeous Emily, who also happens to be one of the 
most kind-hearted people I have been privileged to know.  

The handsome Michael, one of my best friends :)

It was a lovely day at the Loyd Center.

We got Emily to try one of those bubble teas. 
It was Nasty.

 It was so good!

Thursday, April 11, 2013



       I envy those certain individuals who find joy in running. i really do. 
Early this month, I signed up for one of the happiest runs on earth, The Color Me Rad run. ( lookie here! warning: be ready to laugh. If you actually read the info, you come to realize that the people who wrote it are hilarious geniuses.) Anyway, I signed up, joined a team, and then quickly realized that, I don't run..... like at all. Meaning I literally CAN'T. As in, my lungs collapse, my heart bursts out of my chest and i die. I'm not really out of shape or anything so, I guess I'm just not a runner. Which would be fine by me, except that everyone else is. And it's awkward. Oh well, i can deal... 


Does anyone else have "issues" with running? 
                                                                                                                      Or is it just me? 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesdays are hard for me.

Tuesdays are hard for me. As are Mondays and Thursdays. 
But a good quote always cheers me up.... 

Do you have a favorite quote?


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