Sunday, February 28, 2010

We had a good laugh at Family home evening the other day. Because Eston called bubble gum, bubble bum. We were like roaring with laughter. Just the image ,lol........ :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

OK: I want to see if anybody even reads my blog...... if you do, please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

-Rockstar information

Eston playing on the electric drums, Avy dancing to music:

Eston: Rock stars control everything.

Avy: Okay....

Eston:It's true!

Avonlea doesn't answer.

Eston:This is rock star music.

Avy:Am I a rock star?

Eston: Of course not. Only boys can be rock stars!-duh!

Avy: What about Hannah Montana? Is she a rock star?

Eston:No! She's not a rock star.*

Avy:If you say so....

Eston:I told you!-Only boys can be rock stars! And they control everything!

He starts banging on the drums again.... Avonlea rolls her eyes and go's to tell mom that information.

* you know: Eston is right.Hannah Montana is a POP star not a ROCK star. BTW: rock stars usually last longer than pop stars. An example of rock stars are, The Beetles.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

FACT: February is "Boost your self esteem month" Our guest star is Hana Dodd!!

SO yesterday-Saturday- Me,Aidan,and Avonlea went to our Ice Skating Lessons At the Sherwood ice Arena... Guess what! They put ME in the beginners class just because I haven't taken lessons for like a year and a half........ So we are like literally learning how to ice skate. It is SO STUPID! I should be learning how to like jump by now!!!!!!!!!!! Arggggg! it just makes me mad. Sorry. Anyways: Then the whole family drove to the zoo,then took the max downtown then took a trolley to the tram, ( you know the big silver thing that moves on wires in the sky to that hospital?) so we looked around at the top, then rode back down. Then, we walked to "The Old spaghetti Factory" and ate dinner there. I just had bread,salad,spaghetti,strawberry lemonade and, Ice cream. Just to let you know, I like the "Olive garden" lots more..... :) So then after we were done we were planning on hurrying back to the car because I had A birthday party at 7:00 pm, but then the waiter forgot to give my dad his credit card so then we had to wait for people to find her,and nobody could find her for a while so while we were waiting, the balloon man at the restaurant came over and made us balloon stuff. Me and Avy dot monkeys in a tree, Eston got a dinosaur hat,and Aidan got a dog. Then finally the waiter came back with dad's card then we left to catch to tram back to the max but....... we missed it. Then, for some reason the trolley stopped and we got in. By then it was 6:57 pm. I was late!!!!!!!! So then we rushed to get to my friends, Hannah and Carley's house. I got there at 7:42...... SO LATE! But the party went to 10:30 so it was OK. More on the party later.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I SO want it to be Summer already!!!!! It was SO nice today!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A few days ago Avonlea and her friends had a cooking club and they made sugar cookies....and while they were rolling out the dough I took some dough to eat and i thought that it tasted weird.Then after they were cooked, mom tasted the cookies and she realized that they forgot to add the sugar! They were sugarless sugar cookies! But with some frosting they were fine....

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I have strep throat! It really hurts! :(

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Emma would love this!

Emma P would love my YW this week. We had a homemaking Olympics. The hard thing was, while we made a grilled cheese sandwich,washed a mirror,hung up laundry, sewed a button onto a shirt, and ironed a shirt, (we really had to do all these things and we were graded on them. 1-5.) we had to hold a baby doll upright.... the whole time! But me and my friend Erynn were smart. We just put the baby dolls in our sweaters and zipped them in. :) It was really fun..... I got a gold in... ( drum roll please!) - WINDOW WASHING! ( only it was a mirror.... lol)


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