Thursday, February 04, 2010

Emma would love this!

Emma P would love my YW this week. We had a homemaking Olympics. The hard thing was, while we made a grilled cheese sandwich,washed a mirror,hung up laundry, sewed a button onto a shirt, and ironed a shirt, (we really had to do all these things and we were graded on them. 1-5.) we had to hold a baby doll upright.... the whole time! But me and my friend Erynn were smart. We just put the baby dolls in our sweaters and zipped them in. :) It was really fun..... I got a gold in... ( drum roll please!) - WINDOW WASHING! ( only it was a mirror.... lol)


  1. i wish i was there! i had to go to my school science fair... sounds like u guys had fun!

  2. yeah we did.... :) how did you do on your project?


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