Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fear is stupid.

    Butterflies consume my stomach as I lay in bed. Just breath. Don't even think about it. But I can't stop. It soon begins. FIVE days. Five short days then, school. New school. Public school. High school. Ahhhhhhh! I can't do this! But I will. Because I am... tough? Nah. To prove them all wrong? Yeahhhh... Kind of. I just need to do this, for me. You know, i used to think that high school would be like "High School Musical." I was really excited until my dreams were shattered and i found out the truth. High school is hard, cold and ruthless. (At least in the princess diaries) Perhaps Aloha will be different. I can only hope and pray. Public high school, make me a fighter, stronger. Make me smarter. Make me feel loved, make me all better. 

^^my new backpack. I love it. It's purpose however, not so much...^^

    ^^thanks Marilyn. I'll remember that. I'll try and be brave.^^

   Do you have any advice for me?
What should I know about public school? 


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The lazy days

Are all I've had this summer. Now you might be thinking, "lazy is good... that's what you're supposed to do with these long summer days, right?" But that is precisely what I did not want to do. I wanted this to be a season that mattered. In which I accomplished great things and made an impact on my own life and possibly even the lives of others. But alas, school starts in one week. And it was not meant to be. The lazy days were fun, just not productive, in any way. Take a look at some of my favorite lazy days of summer:

^^ staying out waayyy too late and then sleeping 
in like nobodies business^^

^^staring at pictures of this guy, just basking in his hotness.^^

^^wasting countless hours on pintrest, smiling to myself :)^^
(my wedding board is going on 7,000 followers. a fact which amazes me every single day.)

^^having a blast and meeting this famous basketball player at a Nike party^^

^^consuming ice cream and otter pops all da time^^
(me and Bre hold personal records of 50 otter pops in one sitting. and not the small type either.)

^^going to the zoo with friends- 
"we dont even have to try... its always a good time!"^^

^^hosting an ultimate summer party and eating lots of otter pops!^^
(there were lots of guys in attendance as well they just happen to not be in the picture...besides Aidan, but he doesn't really count. And no- he's not gay hahaha. probably.) 

^^a late night swim party with Eita, Avonlea and Katie. soooo much fun.^^ 

^^going to Shari's every monday after zumba.^^ 
(Gigi and I with our twinners breakfast) 

^^playing with Savannah just because she is the cutest baby in the world.^^

^^spending time with the fabulous Eita^^
(she turned sixteen this summer guys!)

^^ editing my pictures for no reason other than the fact that its fun:)^^

what are your thoughts on being productive in the summer?
Do you have a favorite lazy day activity? 


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