Saturday, March 06, 2010

My life is being turned upside down!
-My mom is having ANOTHER baby,So everyone is crabby and dad gets mad at us kids more and more often.
-Another reason is,my Nana moved in with us....It's not like i don't like her or anything...Its just that she likes everything to be clean and she brought her own food with her and its really yummy food! - which we are not allowed to have. It's no fair! Me and Avy used to have the downstairs bathroom as our own but now, we have to share. And my mom has made me take all my things out of the bathroom, and she put them in boxes!!!!!!!! My stuff wants to be displayed prettily! Now I have to share my space and my house with my Nana. No more fun party's with avonlea when mom and dad aren't home. No more babysitting my siblings.-Well I could but I wouldn't get paid.-I will NEVER have the house to myself again...ever. Now I want to go to boarding school more than ever! That is the life, Friends,no parent,no siblings, FREEDOM!!!!!!!! But we can't afford to send me to boarding school. =(
-And you should know, that I HATE change..... Absolutely hate it!If anything changes drastic or not, I will, 1. cry myself to sleep or 2. get mad and last of all, 3.refuse to believe it. No, I'm not joking... ;) It's just how I am. Like when we threw out our Christmas tree, I was upset. When me and my sister moved downstairs, I cried. And when me and one of my good? friend had a fight, I cried! You should also know that I am a worrier. I worry about everything And I overreact. my hair, parts in a play, If anyone really likes me... (sometimes it seems like no one does.... ), If I can learn enough math to get into collage..... EVERYTHING! I am even worrying about if i should post this post. will people think I'm weird? I don't want to be like that! I don't want to be sensitive! I want to be confident and cool.But that's not who I am. I'm just me.... And, I don't know that I like it.........


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