Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hiking - the good , the bad, and the disgusting... ( you'll see...)

1.5 miles up.... 1.5 miles down.
3 miles total.
You could do that. =)

Taking a short cut.

We ate lunch by the lake

Friends =)

So cute!

I think we are looking at Crayfish. 
I don't know if I'm falling or what... =)
SO cute!

Amazingly beautiful... 

Crossing the log
the water in the stream was actually colder than the lake. 
Awesome right?!

Sierra (me!) 
Oregon is Beau-ti-ful !

A heart shaped rock! to match my nostrils! lol 

Below: Carley's Photo Shoot
(selected pictures)
Carley in thought (pondering)
Carley being Carley - this is the afterthought =) 
Cute Carley!
Crayfish eating a fish!
I think Hannah is either poking a crayfish or trying to
 fish out a skeleton of one ( below)

This was cool - walking through the plants 

We were runaways and this was the foundation of our "house" - A stick 
Mount Hood with Mirror lake-gorgeous!
This is Why its called Mirror lake. 

Our Secondary house - Big tree to sleep under, the lake , 
fireplace, kinda hidden.....     It was perfect!

Now here is the disgusting part... well it was really gross to me. I don't know about the twins.. =)  On our way back down, We were kinda running and I tripped and fell (on the rocks pictured above) .. And gashed my hand open. It hurt a lot. I thought to take a picture. But didn't find time. And now there's just a scab so there would be no reason to take a picture now. =)
I'm gross I know.... 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OREO + Me.....

I want Oreo! he is the cutest puppy in the whole wide world!
me and Emma went over to her neighbors house to see the puppys.

Oreo is the last puppy! To bad he is $400.....

But my friends family might get him so, that would be awesome. =)

don't you think that he is cute??!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Currently I am I the middle of the book:  "To Kill a Mockingbird" 
By: Harper Lee. It's a very good book. 

I just CANNOT  wait to read the 3rd Hunger games book! 
The suspense is killing me! Whats going to happen? 
To bad there are like 450 hold before me at the library... sigh
Oh well.... I'll have to wait.
I heart Suzanne Collins!

What books are you guys reading? 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Oaks Park!

We used our Summer reading coupons from the Library then afterwards we
used our McDonald's Coupons from the Library too. 

The roller Coaster is SO fun!
But it's really short... 
The Screaming Eagle!
Is Amazingly fun yet terrifying at the same time. =)
you almost go upside down!! like all the way.
you feel SO unsafe! 
Cotton Candy is SOOOOO yummy!
I bought to bags! (for only $2!) =)

But I didn't eat it all and when we got home I put the bag in the cupboard
with out closing it. So in the morning it was all shriveled up... =(
It was very upsetting. 

It was a good day... =)
pictures taken by people who i don't know. 
AKA: Google ;)


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