Thursday, November 22, 2012

Acca-Awesome - " pitch perfect "

So I saw "pitch perfect" ( PG-13 ) last night with Alyssa​​, and it was acca-awesome... Sooooo halarious. New favorite movie, for sure. I mean, it was kind of bad and the vomit scene was super gross. But I loved it so much. And if you can't tell, I love fat Amy. :)

Fat Amy: Even though some of you are pretty thin, you all have fat hearts, and that's what counts.

Fat Amy: Les-be-honest.

Fat Amy: I'm gonna finish you like a cheesecake!

Fat Amy: Yeah, no, don't put me down for cardio.

  1. Bumper: I get the feeling that we should kiss... I mean is that a good feeling or, like, a wrong feeling?
  2. Fat Amy: Wellll, sometimes I feel like I could do crystal meth but then I think, hmm, better not.

  1. Chloe: What's your name?
  2. Fat Amy: Fat Amy.
  3. Aubrey: You call yourself Fat Amy?
  4. Fat Amy: Yeah, so twigs like you don't do it behind my back.

Jesse: Organized nerd singing? This is great!

Lilly: set fires to feel joy.
Donald: That's adorable.

Aubrey: Acca-scuse me?
Fat Amy:Acca-believe it.

Fat Amy: I can sing, but I'm also good at modern dance, olden dance, and mermaid dancing which is a little different. You usually start on the ground.
Aubrey: Ooh.
Fat Amy: It's a lot of floor work.
Aubrey: I see that.

In other news, erynn was over last night. ( like an hour ago- because it's like 12:10 right now... And we had a ton of fun and we laughed a ton but it was a tiny bit ( ok, really, awkward. ) because that's just how I roll... I'm not going to go into detail but it was terribly funny. :)

Anyway, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Eat to your hearts content, then go Black Friday shopping! That's what I'll be doing! Goodnight y'all! :)

Love always, Sierra

P.S. I'm listening to Christmas music right now and I'm loving it! Even if it is before Thanksgiving.... I don't care. :) I'm so happy! 

Monday, November 12, 2012


Ever since I was twelve, the year that I had to stop trick or treating, Halloween has been really dull.  One year I had a party/ haunted house, but it just wasn't the same. Last year and this year, I was grounded. :)  So I didn't do anything to celebrate, except for the ward carnival. Which was pretty fun.... Here's the crew!

Eric, Adam, Alyssa, Avonlea, Me, and Moroni

Photo credit: Alyssa's blog :) 

Barbie and Ken
Yeah, I'm still not sure how this happened... :) 

Halloween Night: taking Keaten around

I took ghost pictures of myself:

Happy Halloween! 

Monday, November 05, 2012

That one website

So there's this website. And it makes me laugh. Like everyday.

Some of these are mean or just downright stupid, but oh so funny! Enjoy! 


I love these people! :)

What's your lol so true, moment? 


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