Thursday, November 03, 2011


Looking back on those days, remembering the fun times and the memories made. Wishing that you had spoken when something that needed to be said... Regretting those lazy days, laying in bed. The good old days full of sunshine and secretive smiles, i haven't had one of those for a while. The things that you took for granted while you had them, are the things that you always seem to miss the most after they've ended.
Your friends
The things that you looked forward to...
never forget how to climb a tree...
no matter how cold the water, it won't kill you. :)
Dress up once in a while.. Pretend! 
shopping is always fun with friends. 
remember the weird things you did.
remember the old friends and the new
take time to spend time with your family. 
And smell the flowers.
fresh air is good for you.
hiking can be fun!
dolphins are awesome.

to never pass up a photo opportunity.
sand can be really fun! :)
to always wash your toes before eating egg rolls... 
friends are always there for you.
have fun and express your self.

don't be afraid to fight it  out!

GOOD TIMES..........

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